How To Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
September 21, 2020

How To Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Today, social media is what gets you going. But wait, it doesn’t have to be tedious. You can actually curate a strategy that truly works but also doesn’t take away a chunk of your time. So, how do you do it? We are here to tell you how. We understand, in the beginning, the whole thing can be a tad bit overwhelming, however, once you familiarize yourself with the concept, it gets easier and you will be able to see the results too. Social media is no longer as easy as it was once upon a time. Right from choosing the right platforms to ensuring you have a proper content strategy in place, a strong social media marketing strategy is mandatory to boost your online engagement. When you have a proper strategy in place, you will be able to conquer your goals. Basically, a social media marketing strategy is a sum up of everything you have to do and must achieve on social media. Now, having a perfect plan not just help boost your engagement but will also increase your brand presence. Without further ado, let’s begin.

Below, we bring you step by step guide on how you can build your social media marketing strategy.

  • Your social media should sync with your goals
  • Track the metrics
  • Your audience is everything
  • Understand your competition
  • An audit is necessary
  • Create engaging content
  • Make timelines your priority
  • Communicate your goals with the team
  • See what’s working and what isn’t
  • Paid promotion to boost engagement
  • Work with influencers

We all have goals, don’t we? That’s what helps us succeed. Without proper goals in place, we become almost directionless. The same way, your business needs one too. The first and foremost objective of yours must be to set an achievable goal. Why? Because without goals, how will you measure success and return of investment (ROI)? So, ensure you are SMART! No, we are talking about intelligence here. The acronym is Specific. Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Hence use this mantra, and you are good to go. Want an example? Use Twitter to lower your average response rate!

How will you set your social media goals? Let’s take an example. For the month of January, you can concentrate on increasing the number of followers with engaging posts while for February you can concentrate on having more engagement on your posts.

Track Them Metrics

Now, it’s easy to track followers and likes. But the real game is when it comes to prove its real value. You need to focus on conversion rates, engagement, and click-through. Hence, track your reports regarding each social network. For instance, use LinkedIn to bring traffic to your page and use Instagram to raise brand awareness. The point is, you need to use social media for your overall marketing objectives.

Your Audience Is Everything

Okay, so we can always keep posting on social media. No big deal. But, if you want brand awareness or engagement, make social media mandatory. The way you curate your posts, comment, and like posts plays a significant role. Because it can turn your window-shoppers into your consumers. Therefore, do your market research. For instance, come up with a record of their;

  • Age
  • Location
  • Average Income
  • Industry
  • Interests

Hence, get to know all your followers and come up with strategies to bring new ones in. For instance, curating interactive posts, such as quizzes or more, can help you boost engagement. The criteria are to get to know your consumers well. Do it!

Understand Your Competition

Go through competitive analysis on your own. How? Go through their social media, blogs, and website. See what they are doing different and what is working out for them. This way, you will understand what’s going on in your industry, and you will be able to elevate it. And ensure you spot your opportunities. Competition analysis is extremely important. So, keep an eye on what your competition is doing before you build a strategy. This will give you plenty of ideas too.

An Audit Is Necessary

If you have been using social media for quite some time it’s necessary, that you curate it in the right way for instance;

  • Look for what’s working and what’s not
  • Look for the audience that is engaging with you
  • Look for which social media platform is working best for you
  • How social media is enhancing your brand

Create Engaging Content

Your social media strategy revolves around content. By now, you probably already have an idea what it is that you want to do with your social media. You probably have a set of goals in mind and also are eager to get started. So, below tips can help you curate engaging content.

  • A Theme Is Important

One of the toughest jobs here is to ensure all your content is visually appealing. If you are unable to create compelling visuals, then you won’t have a set of loyal followers too. Why? Because if it is not even visually attractive, why would someone want to follow your page? So, keep it colorful and keep it creative.

  • Interactive Content

If you want to boost the engagement in your posts, one of the best ways to go about it is to curate interactive and engaging content, such as quizzes and more. Never miss an opportunity to interact with your followers or to pick their brain. They must feel like you are conversing with every post.

  • Don’t Miss Out On Stories

Stories are available on both Instagram and Facebook. So, make use of this feature. Post regularly. Put something interesting and interactive, something that pushes the audience to reply and connect with you. The stories you put out should be fun and engaging.

  • Videos Are In

We can all see that there is a boom in the social media and that’s not going to stop anytime soon. Yes, it is here to say. Short form videos can be easily created. You can make use of Canva or Shutterstock to put out videos.

Make Timelines Your Priority

Timing is important. Being consistent is the key here. Stick to a proper timing and always post at the same time. Your followers will then know when you will be posting and will then wait for your posts. Posting on random times might mean that your audience might miss out on your posts, which is not good for the business.

The next step is to always respond to your consumers on time. If someone is sending you a message, reply to them right away. You don’t want to leave your audience hanging.

See What’s Working And What Isn’t

By now you probably know how to build your strategy. Write engaging posts, make sure you post on time, have visually appealing posts, and interact well. Now that it is sorted, the next step is to see what works and what doesn’t because despite having a fool proof strategy in place, you cannot be a hundred percent sure as to what works and what doesn’t. And, the only way you can do that is by posting. That way, you will see if your strategy is working or if you must switch to something else.

Communicate The Goals With Your Team

Now you have a set of goals in mind. However, if that is not communicated with the team properly, how will you even reach it? Collaboration is extremely important. For instance, you will need your graphic designer and your writer to work together to ensure the creatives are top-notch, something your audience will enjoy. Only then will you be able to reach your goals.

Go For Paid Promotion To Boost Engagement

Apart from your efforts to bring in organic follows and likes, the next best thing you can do is opt for paid promotions to boost your social media presence. When it comes to paid promotions, you have the freedom to choose the type of audience you want to target, the location, and more. This will help you reach relevant audience. Advertisements helps build brand recognition, which is definitely important to help enhance your online presence. So, try paid promotions and see how they work out for you.

Work With Influencers

Influencers are ruling the social media world, there is no doubt in it. So, leverage it to your benefit. Connect with a social media influencer who is right for your brand and get them to advertise your products. Generally, social media influencers have thousands and thousands of followers if not in millions. When you collaborate with an influencer, all their followers are exposed to your brand and if they end up liking your page and products, they will start following you too. And, then there is also credibility and trust because their favorite influencer is vouching for you. So, automatically they trust you too. Hence, choose the right influencer and see if their audience and work blends with yours. If yes, approach that said influencer for a collaboration.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What is s social media marketing strategy?

As a business, having an online presence is mandatory, especially in today’s day and age as it builds credibility and trust. So, a social media marketing strategy is ensures that you operate the all the social media handles of the company thoughtfully in a measured manner to help reach your goals. Your social media plan will summarize what you must do the entire month

2.  How to create an effective social media strategy?

The best way to create a social media strategy is to make sure they align with the set of goals you have. Make sure you go for catchy content and visually attractive artwork too.

3.  Why do you need a social media strategy?

Going into social media posting blindly without a plan is not the right way to do it. Why? Because without a strategy in place, you will be wasting the business resources. It is a lot-term process, where you need a plan in place to make sure you are getting your return on investment and also to help you achieve your goals.

4.  Can i use same social media content for all platforms?

It is not advisable to use the same content on all social media platforms as customizing them will help you enhance your audience base. For instance, with Instagram, you can use upto 30 hashtags while for twitter it is suggested that you use only two. Therefore, make sure you customize the content for the said platform before you post it.

These are a few things you can do to enhance your brand. Apart from that, make sure you come up with a campaign that elevates your brand. Let us know if you have any queries. We are here to help you!

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.